[a list of things remembered as I remembered them and in no way to be taken as a complete account of what happened there then or what is happening there now]
I was detained approximately 54 hours, 47 of which I spent in jail.
I spent 47 hours under bright fluorescent lights.
I was cold approximately 43 hours.
I was moved 7 times, to 5 different “tanks.”
I spent no more than 15 hours in a tank near a door with a small rectangle of glass through which 21 women and then 27 women could see barbed wire and light then dark outside.
I was fed 6 times—5 “sack lunches” which included 2 slices of stale bread, 2 slices of slimy bologna, 2 crème cookies soaked in bologna juice, 1 packet of “salad dressing” (mayo), 1 packet of mustard, 1 packet of a “calcium mix” and 1 orange; and 1 “hot meal,” which included maybe turkey & definitely beans, a side of cooked carrots, some sauce, a salad, a cube of cornbread and a cube of cake.
I used a toilet no more than 5 times.
I slept no more than 4 hours.
I was denied birth control.
I heard someone with epilepsy was being denied medication.
I met 2 people with serious illnesses who were denied medication.
I watched 2 people go through withdrawal.
I watched 1 woman use 1 toilet at least 10 times in no more than 2 hours.
I spoke to 1 woman who confessed she was having suicidal thoughts.
I gave 1 back rub.
I received 0 back rubs.
I spoke to 3 people on “the outside:”
I spoke to 3 “trustees.”
I spooned 3 women.
I spooned 1 woman I had known previously.
I saw 2 women volunteer to stay inside longer to make sure 2 more women wouldn’t be left alone in their respective tanks.
I saw 1 woman refuse release to make sure her friend would have a friend in the tank.
I met 1 woman with an “Abortions Get Babies to Heaven Faster” fanny pack she likes to wear when she visits Texas.
I saw 5 slices of bologna stick to a white wall.
I heard harmonizing coming from a tank 2 times.
I heard 1 person recite 1 poem to 2 pigs.
I heard I had 1 welt on my back.
I saw at least 5 bruises on each wrist.
I heard 1 woman suggest not admitting injury unless it was severe.
I met 2 women who chose not to report feeling ill for fear of being put in solitary confinement.
I met 1 woman who had been released from Santa Rita no more than 2 days before.
I crushed on 1 woman.
I was 1 of at least 5 women crushing on 1 woman.
I met at least 1 woman in a polyamorous relationship.
I met at least 1 woman who had recently had sex in the woods.
I met at least 1 woman who had recently had sex in a dressing room.
I met 1 woman who suggested we start a website to replace the #OO camp.
I met 3 women who were still in high school.
I had at least 5 pigs completely ignore me.
I heard at least 5 pigs lie at least 5 times.
I heard 1 pig compare the impact of the people the pigs had to process on “the system” to 400 marbles going down a drain 3 times.
I heard 1 woman praying.
I saw one appeal to “the Virgin” scratched into the wall of a tank.
I heard 2 women were put in solitary confinement.
I heard 1 woman was put in solitary confinement for scratching a word into the wall of a tank.
I saw “OCCUPY” scratched into the wall of a tank.
I heard 1 woman was placed in solitary confinement for banging on the door of a tank to get a pig’s attention.
I saw at least 2 women kick the door of a tank at least 5 times in a row.
I saw 1 woman be forced into a tank.
I heard 1 pair of cuffs.
I heard 1 pig tell 1 woman if she had a problem with not getting a phone call she should call her lawyer.
I heard 1 pig say, “This isn’t about the constitution…If I don’t like your face…”
I heard 1 man banging on the door of his tank.
I heard 1 pig tell 1 trustee not to answer my question.
I met 2 women who requested that NLG contact their employers to let them know they would not be making it to work.
I met 2 women who were worried their arrest would lead to them losing their job.
I met 1 woman who lost her job as a union organizer when she was a “no show” after being arrested at a demonstration.
I met 1 woman who works as a union organizer.
I met 1 woman who works in San Francisco’s Financial District.
I met 1 woman who can “crack” a house.
I met 1 woman with family in Spain.
I met 1 woman who teaches elementary.
I met 1 woman who said the games the pigs were playing with us were the same ones she plays with her kids.
I met 1 woman who teaches yoga.
I met 2 women who worried their car would be towed.
I met 1 woman who worried her boyfriend would forget to pay her parking ticket.
I met 1 woman whose boyfriend runs a comic book store.
I met 1 woman whose mother had bailed out Huey Newton.
I met at least 2 women who were afraid they wouldn’t be able to get into a college class.
I met at least 3 women who were menstruating.
Bridesmaids came up 1 time.
I was 1 of at least 2 women who had seen Bridesmaids
Kreayshawn’s “Gucci Gucci” came up 1 time.
I heard 1 woman sing, “One big room / full of bad bitches.”
Aquaman came up 1 time.
I saw at least 5 drops of fresh blood on the floor in the hall.
I saw at least 7 spots of dried blood on the wall of a tank.
I heard the riddle “What is brown and sticky?” 2 times.
I saw at least 15 wads of wet toilet paper stick to the air vents of 3 tanks.
I watched 4 women throw wads of wet toilet paper at the air vents of 3 tanks.
I heard 1 woman admit she was waiting to be released to take a “victory poop.”
Khali came up at least 5 times.
“The 99%” came up 1 time.
I heard 1 pig call herself part of the 99%.
I heard 1 pig say the system had crashed, that we’d be inside at least 48 more hours, after we’d been detained 52.
I heard 1 pig threaten a mentally ill man.
I heard 1 pig make fun of a woman praying.
Dante’s Inferno came up 1 time.
“Why am I being detained?” was chanted at least 10 ten times.
“Phone call!” was chanted at least 20 times.
“From Oakland to Greece, no pads no peace!” was chanted at least 10 times.
The Diva Cup came up 2 times.
I heard 1 woman call the inmates who worked at the jail “trustees.”
I saw 13 people I’d previously met inside.
I saw 3 people without shoes.
I saw 2 people in “protective custody.”
I saw 2 bologna faces.
Staying positive was equated with preparing for a class action lawsuit at least 3 times.